Elevate your knowledge and skills in mobile forensics using MD-SERIES tools

Join GMDSOFT certification program and elevate your knowledge and skills in mobile forensics using MD-SERIES tools.


Our comprehensive certification program offers three levels of courses – GCMP, GCME, and GCMS. Our program covers both software and hardware products related to mobile forensics, providing extensive training suitable for all levels of users, from beginners to experts. Our courses are designed to maximize your knowledge and skills in mobile forensics using MD-SERIES tools.


The GCMP course is perfect for individuals new to forensic practice or those at an entry-level position. This course provides comprehensive training on mobile forensic knowledge, including the latest trends, primary usage, and hands-on experience with the data extraction tool MD-NEXT and data analysis tool MD-RED.


The GCME course enhances the skills of senior-level practitioners who have prior experience with MD-NEXT and MD-RED. It builds upon the foundation laid by the GCMP and provides necessary skills to successfully manage mobile forensic investigation cases. The course covers the basics of each extraction method, advanced hands-on practice, and effective troubleshooting techniques for MD-NEXT. Trainees will also delve into detailed analysis of app data structure, deleted messages on popular messenger apps, file system understanding, and multimedia analysis using MD-RED.


The GCMS course is a highly advanced program that focuses on SQLite forensics, file system analysis, multimedia analysis, and user activity analysis. This course enables trainees to gain a complete understanding of data analysis and develop mastery in the specialized field of mobile forensic investigation.


Submit your training inquiry to our team!



2022 Recap on MD-Series Release Note Highlights!

What are the important features released in MD-Series?

Here is the summary of release note highlights in 2022, and if you want to read a full document? Submit your inquiry!


MD-NEXT v1.91.1 ~ v1.91.18

Supports new 3,910 models and updated 934 models



  • Brute Force utility to attain Secure Startup Password for Android 7 to 9
  • Android Full filesystem extraction method added Samsung Galaxy S22 Qualcomm Series and Samsung Exynos Android 12 devices
  • Android Full Filesystem extraction supports more firmware versions of Samsung models
  • Updated backup path of WhatsApp on Android 12
  • Supports extraction for System backup information by ADB command
  • App downgrade feature supports new apps – GBWhatsApp, Gojek, Jack’D, LinkedIn, Naver Cafe, PeduliLindungi and, ZEPETO


  • iOS Full Filesystem (FFS App) extraction supports iOS 15.0 ~ 15.4.1 and target models are iPhone XR, iPhone XS, iPhone 11, iPhone 12, iPhone 13 series
  • iOS Full Filesystem (checkm8) extraction supports iOS 15.0 ~ 15.7 and the target models may vary depending on the OS version

Physical Extraction

  • Supports physical extraction for Elephone model P9000
  • Android physical extraction supports ADB Pro T4 method and target model is Galaxy S8 series


MD-RED v3.9.0 ~ v3.10.8

Supports new 65 apps and updated 150 apps (Android)

Supports new 35 apps and updated 78 apps (iOS)



  • Supports analysis of Android 12
  • Supports Huawei PrivateSpace analysis
  • Improvements of Analysis – Improved analysis of unused area in EXT4 filesystem and added meta file (*.ufd) of extraction image)
  • Improvements of Filesystem analysis – BitLocker, iOS Full filesystem image extracted by Cellebrite UFED, and timestamp in NTFS filesystem
  • Supports Drone App analysis result exportation to MD-DRONE
  • Video meta information(TimeZone) is displayed in analysis result
  • Support for analysis of Android Full Filesystem images (.zip) extracted with GrayKey tools
  • Support for iOS 16, and Android 12
  • Supports the latest version analysis for Zalo in iOS/Android


  • Notification Center: Displays the pop-up window of major events such as task completion and errors
  • Support for the user manual and release note


MD-LIVE v3.4.13 ~ v3.4.23


  • App downgrade feature supports new apps – imo beta, ZEPETO, Jack’D, LinkedIn, Gojek, PeduliLindungi, Quicket
  • Improved extraction process of backup data for Huawei devices with Harmony OS 2.0
  • Added various manufacturers’ models over 500 (SAMSUNG, LG, Asus, HONOR, HTC, HUAWEI, Lenovo, Casper, GENERALMOBILE, Motorola, Nokia, Oneplus, ReeDer, SONY, SUGAR, TURKCELL, VESTEL, Vivo, Wiko and Etc..)
  • Added phone model scripts of 1,269 models

Hash Set

  • Support for Project VIC (Images identical or similar to the Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) registered with the Project VIC (https://www.projectvic.org/)) and crime type filters by region

Recording Investigation

  • Recording investigation feature added ‘Audio recording’ option into the ‘HDMI Mirroring Screen’ and ‘Audio Sync Control(All/Individual)

Analysis Result

  • Video player supports keyboard shortcuts to move video frame by frame


MD-CLOUD v1.8.2 ~ v1.8.6


  • Supports the latest location history formats of Google Takeout
  • Updated the latest Facebook extraction method
  • Supports Two-factor authentication for Twitter
  • Supports Extraction of additional data and subtype (Ex: Work, Home, etc.) of Google Contacts


  • Additional analysis on attached Pictures and Video files in Twitter
  • Added additional information in the analysis result (Hash Calculation, filter option etc.)


  • Improved search feature to make all analysis results searchable


  • Added additional information in the generated reports (ESI-Electronically Stored Information, Product version etc.)


  • Added shortcut keys to the start screen and main window


MD-VIDEO AI v3.9.1 ~ v3.12.2


  • Added new recovery targets; Removable disk, New Models of DVR & Dashcam
  • Added new GPU card models, Volta & Ampere architecture (19 models) for hardware acceleration
  • Supports deleted photo and video file recovery in TAT 16/32
  • Introduced Partial recovery, besides improvements in Basic & Custom recoveries
  • Supports time adjustment of recovery results

Time/Channel OCR

  • Auto detect of channel number by each digit in Time/Channel OCR feature


  • Supports adding new targets (Picture, Video, Recovered Frame, Enhancement Results) for enhancement
  • Improvements of Frame Analysis features – Motion Deblur, Perspective Transform, and De-identification
  • Improved Number recognition feature by introducing bounding boxes for easy use
  • Number plate restoration feature introduced for Korea & Vietnam countries
  • Added new category ‘Weapons’ in object detection
  • Included advanced learning models that can detect small objects in the selected video frame


  • Supports bookmark function when a video is being played or paused


  • Overall improvement in UI/UX, with updated Menu names
  • Added “supported list” menu so that users can see supported filesystem, models etc.


MD-DRONE v1.0.1 ~ v1.0.2


  • Supports extraction of Flight Log Files and Folder from PC
  • Added more than 9 new Drone models from leading drone manufacturers (For ex. DJI, SUNDORI, ANT etc.)


  • Added Lost Signal and Collision detection features to Flight Log Analysis (Accident analysis)
  • Added new features to display Altitude and speed at selected point in the Timeline information
  • Included unit information to the flight parameters like Altitude, Ground speed and Motor speed information in detail view of Timeline for Flight Log Analysis
  • Included the display of flight Takeoff and landing positions in map view

2022 Q4 Release Note Highlights

Find out the major features in MD-Series that are supported in Q4 2022.
The following versions of the product will be including new and updated features.
Quickly go through the highlight summary, and submit your inquiry to learn full features!


>> MD-NEXT v1.91.15 ~ v1.91.18

Supported New phone models – 34 Manufacturers, 271 Models

– iOS Full Filesystem (FFS App) extraction supports iOS 15.0 ~ 15.4.1 and target models are iPhone XR, iPhone XS, iPhone 11, iPhone 12, iPhone 13 series
– iOS Full Filesystem (checkm8) extraction supports iOS 15.0 ~ 15.7 and the target models may vary depending on the OS version
– Android physical extraction supports ADB Pro T4 method and the target model is Galaxy S8 series
– Android Full Filesystem extraction supports more firmware versions of Samsung models


>> MD-RED v3.10.2 ~ v3.10.8
Supported New Apps – 7 iOS Apps, 12 Android Apps
– Support for iOS 16, and Android 12
– Supports the latest version analysis for Zalo in iOS/Android.
– Support for the user manual and release note


>> MD-LIVE v3.4.21 ~ v3.4.23
Hash Set
– Support for Project VIC (Images identical or similar to the Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) registered with the Project VIC (https://www.projectvic.org/)) and crime type filters by region
– App downgrade added new apps (ZEPETO, Jack’D, LinkedIn, Gojek, PeduliLindungi, Quicket)
– Added various manufacturers’ models over 500 (SAMSUNG, LG, Asus, HONOR, HTC, HUAWEI, Lenovo, Casper, GENERALMOBILE, Motorola, Nokia, Oneplus, ReeDer, SONY, SUGAR, TURKCELL, VESTEL, Vivo, Wiko and Etc..)


>> MD-CLOUD v1.8.6
– Extraction of additional data in Google Contacts (Event, Relation, Work)


>> MD-VIDEO AI v3.11.1 ~ v3.11.3
– Number Plate Restoration using a machine-learning model is available and the supported countries are Republic of Korea, and Vietnam
– Supports multiple workspace tabs
– Supports new targets (Picture, Video, Recovered Frame, Enhancement Results) for enhancement
– Supports viewing help about enhancement tools at once
– Improvements in U/I with updated menu names


[Announcement] Company Change following Corporate Spin-off

Dear Valued Customers and Partners


We would like to express our deep gratitude to our customers and partners who used HancomWITH products (MD-Series) and forensic services this year. We appreciate all who have trusted our company for many years, and we have been able to grow into a forensic R&D company that leads the market even in various complex and rapidly changing situations.


As a forensic R&D company, the forensic business division, which is being serviced by HancomWITH, will be transferred to the new company GMDSOFT as of January 2023 so that we can develop more innovative technologies and provide optimized services to our customers in the future.


Accordingly, GMDSOFT will lay the foundation for future sustainable growth by maximizing corporate growth potential and enhancing business competitiveness in the mobile and digital forensic market through specialized intensive management.


Therefore, all rights and obligations regarding the use of personal information and services of the forensic business division held by HancomWITH will be comprehensively succeeded to GMDSOFT as of January 10, 2023. Please refer to the following information regarding transferring personal information following the division.


  • Date: January 10, 2023
  • Company Name: GMDSOFT Inc.
  • Office Address: Room 215, 2nd Floor, H Square N-dong, 235, Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, 13494
  • Contact: +82-31-778-3500
  • Email: marketing@gmdsoft.com
  • Website: www.gmdsoft.com


GMDSOFT will safely manage transferred personal information in compliance with all protection measures stipulated in personal information-related laws, such as the Personal Information Protection Act, and will process it only for the agreed purpose.


If you have any objections or do not want to transfer personal information according to this division, please contact us at +82-31-778-3500, marketing@gmduser.mycafe24.com.


Again, thank you for all the support, and please root for our new journey as GMDSOFT.



CEO, HyunSoo Kim


Deep dive into “Metadata”

Metadata : EXIF


Metadata describes the content of data. Metadata may be modified or deleted when sending files to an application or uploading files to a website. Metadata is used to sort and search data quickly, but it also serves as an essential artifact to trace users’ behaviors from a digital forensic perspective.


We will use MD-RED and analyze EXIF that contains information about the camera maker, camera model, software (Build version and iOS version), original and meta-changed time, and location a photo was taken. 


This whitepaper will help you to understand the concept of Metadata and the structure of how data is stored in EXIF.



  1. About Metadata
  2. The Structure of EXIF and Analysis
  3. EXIF Location in File
  4. MD-RED Analysis Results
  5. Conclusion
  6. Appendix

If you want to learn more about Metadata, leave your inquiry on the whitepaper.


2022 2Q MD-Series Release Note Highlights

Find out the major features in MD-Series that are supported in 2Q 2022.
Following versions of the product will be including features released in this 2Q.


MD-NEXT v1.91.4–v1.91.9

  • Supports new 2,428 models, updated 783 Models.
  • Android Full filesystem extraction method added Samsung Galaxy S22 Qualcomm Series.
  • Supports iOS Checkm8 Full Filesystem (iOS 15.0∼15.2.1 versions).
  • Updated backup path of WhatsApp on Android 12.
  • Supports extraction for System backup information by ADB command.
  • Manufacturer backup improved stability of Smart Switch protocol.
  • Added Asian/US manufacturers’ models over 1,500.

MD-RED v3.9.11–v3.9.24

  • Supports new 20 and updated 49 apps in Android.
  • Supports new 6 and updated 15 apps in iOS.
  • Supports Huawei PrivateSpace analysis.
  • Supports analysis of Android 12.

– Default apps of Android: Contacts, Call History, Message, etc.,

– Default apps of Samsung: Dual Messenger, Messages, SmartThings, Health.


  • Supports HashSet saved in Excel format to be used as search keywords.

MD-LIVE  v3.4.16–v3.4.17

  • Added phone model scripts of 1,269 models.
  • Stabilized Android devices extraction process.

MD-VIDEO v3.9.1–v3.10.0

  • Supports new 2 models of DVR and Dashcam.
  • Supports time adjustment of video analysis results.

– When the time information of the video analysis result is different from the actual time due to various reasons such as device settings, users can adjust the time to the actual time.


  • Supports De-Identification (MD-VIDEO AI).
  • Added ‘Supported List’ Menu.
  • Improved UX/UI design of Time Filter.
  • Improvements of DHFS4.1 file system analysis.

MD-CLOUD v1.8.3

  • Updated the latest Facebook extraction method.
  • Additional analysis on attached Pictures and Video files on Twitter.
  • Hotkey supports to Start Screen and Main Window.
  • Added ‘MD5, SHA1, SHA256’ hash calculation results to Files.

MD-DRONE v1.0.1

  • Supports 8 new models.
  • Supports Flight Log Analysis – Accident Analysis.

– Detects when the aircraft manufactured by DJI loses connection with the remote controller.

– Newly detects whether a collision occurred, or a normal landing is done at the crash down case of the aircraft with PX4 firmware.


  • Improved Timeline View.

– Displays detailed information such as altitude and speed at the selected point in the timeline.



Submit your inquiry if you want to read a full version of the document, our team will get back to you soon!



MD-DRONE – Extract and analyze data from Drone

We are happy to release a demo video of MD-DRONE!


Drone and UAVs are commonly used for public service purposes or terror and crimes are often involved with this remotely controlled mobility tool.

The need for the investigation of drones is rapidly increasing from the front-liners, forensics professionals, and drone operation teams in the government.


What you can expect from MD-DRONE are

1. Drone data extraction

2. Drone data analysis

3. Mobile and cloud forensics result integration

4. Drone Accident/Crime inspection with AI-based analytics


Check the various features in MD-DRONE and contact our team to find out more!



How MD-VIDEO AI can perform the world’s best gun recognition feature?

How MD-VIDEO AI can perform the world’s best gun recognition feature?



Recognizing guns with AI technology can be roughly divided into two stages: Learning and Reasoning.



At the learning stage, we train the computer with a large amount of image data, and as a result, get a model that can identify a gun. Then at the reasoning stage which the computer already has gun models, the computer determines whether or not a gun is present in the input image.



Here, what really matters is the learning phase. To make a good model, we need to have a large number of gun images. It also needs to determine whether or not there is a gun in the input image, even if the image is too dark, too bright, small, poor quality, blurred, or partially hidden.


In order to perform good recognition, you need to have a variety of training data. However, getting a large scale of various gun images is limited, it’s not easy to build training data.


So our research team brought up an idea, what if the computer automatically creates the training data and even automatically labels the guns? We can get a really large amount of gun data. Having a lot of data increases the accuracy of gun recognition, it can respond to various input image environments and quality.



To this end, we built a virtual gun image rendering platform by researching and developing the following technologies.



– 3D modeling of 10 pistols and 11 long guns.
– 3D modeling of a hand holding a gun.
– 3D modeling of a total of 4 backgrounds: Parking lot, School, Market, and Construction site.
– Variety of gun placement techniques in the background.
– Technique for placing a part of the gun to be hidden on an object.
– Random parameter adjustment technology such as camera distance, angle, brightness, blur, and shade.
– A technique for accurately labeling parts of a gun in a rendered image (Calculated in pixels).





Based on this, 200,000 virtual gun images were created, and a gun recognition model was created by training with real gun images. Having a lot of data increases the accuracy of gun recognition, it can respond to various input image environments and quality.

Throughout this effort, MD-VIDEO AI could perform the world’s best gun recognition feature among video forensic tools.



Find out more useful features that can empower your investigation.

If you have any support from our team, submit your inquiry!

How-To MD-LIVE Ep.1) How to quickly acquire and analyze media data evidence at the crime scene.

How-To MD-LIVE Ep.1.

How to quickly acquire and analyze media data evidence at the crime scene.

This video introduces how to quickly acquire and analyze media data evidence at the crime scene of illegal filming.
Follow the video and learn the useful features. You can easily follow the extraction and analysis sequence and apply it to your investigation field!
If you want to catch up with the latest product video, subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Empower your on-site investigation with MD-LIVE.

New Extraction Feature – Samsung Galaxy S22 Qualcomm Series.

We are excited to release the latest extraction feature of MD-NEXT.

It’s the market’s first extraction of Samsung Galaxy S22 Qualcomm Series.
This feature is supported with MD-NEXT v1.91.4


Supported New Models are..

– Galaxy S22 5G (SM-S901N, SM-S901U, SM-S901U1, SM-S901W, SM-S9010, SM-S901E, SM-S901E_DS)
– Galaxy S22+ 5G (SM-S906N, SM-S906U, SM-S906U1, SM-S906W, SM-S9060, SM-S906E, SM-S906E_DS)
– Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G (SM-S908N, SM-S908U, SM-S908U1, SM-S908W, SM-S9080, SM-S908E, SM-S908E_DS)




If you want to have a datasheet of MD-NEXT, please send us your inquiry!