White paper – ‘Factory Reset(iOS, Android)’

In this whitepaper, you can find the definition of Factory Reset, how its method differs by OS and device environment, and why mobile forensic investigators should understand important meanings of Factory Reset, and lastly how MD-RED analyzes the log of Factory Reset.

This is the preview version of the white paper, and if you want to find out the full version please contact our team. 



Report and Media Exportation with MD-VIDEO

This is the last episode of the how-to video of MD-VIDEO.

You can learn how to export reports and media from MD-VIDEO.


Part1. Generating reports

Part2. Reviewing the data in the report

Part3. Exporting media


If you want to know more about our product, feel free to contact our team!


3Q 2021 MD-Series Release Note Highlights

MD-NEXT v1.90.3 ~ v1.90.11

  • Android Full Filesystem extraction for Android 11 Galaxy A series – Supports A10, A11, A30, A40, A50, Jean2, Wide4 series.
  • Increased iOS FFS extraction success ratio by improving the stability of Checkm8 method
  • Supports ‘Before First Unlock(BFU)’ extraction process when screen lock can’t be unlocked.
  • Supports HiSuite backup protocol for the devices with Android 10 or higher versions
  • Improved App Downgrade and Restoring process for Samsung Android version 11 or above


MD-RED v3.7.37 ~ v3.7.48

  • Supports analysis of Recycle Bin in Samsung devices with Android 11
  • Nokia feature phone analysis: TA-1017, TA-1034
  • Improved metadata analysis of image/video – MD-RED displays the time zone information next to the date/time
  • Supports ‘Unclassified file’ artifacts
  • Supports batch checking of related chat room/contact from the analysis results


MD-LIVE v3.4.4 ∼ v3.4.7 

  • Supports Video/Audio recording by HDMI capture card
  • Supports DB Report (SQLite)
  • Supports HiSuite backup protocol for the devices with Android 10 or higher versions
  • Added Keywords Search by Regular Expression


MD-VIDEO v3.7.0 v3.7.2

  • Supports video recovery from the file slack area of FAT32-based format free filesystem
  • Supports automatic detection of bounding box of each digit in the selected area
  • Improvements of MD-VIDEO AI – Timeline UI/UX, Added SRGAN model for super-resolution, Number Plate Analysis, Viewer UI, Comments UI
  • Added new models – DVR(5), Dashcam(5)

-DVR: Hanwha Techwin (XRN-1610A), ITX Security (UTM5HGB), NADATEL (AP-0405R), WEBGATE (HAC430F)

-Dashcam: Apeman (C450), COMTEC (ZDR-015), Garmin (66W), KENWOOD (DRV-MR745), Nextbase (622GW)


MD-CLOUD v1.7.0

  • Improved analysis of recurring information in Google Calendar
  • Enhanced preview function by adding additional media formats


Download the full release note highlights!

Analyze and Review the Data of ‘MeWe’ and ‘Threema’

We’ve been keeping up with the research on the globally rising social media apps, today we’ll introduce MeWe and Threema. MD-RED is supporting data analysis of MeWe Android from MD-RED v3.7.29 and Threema Android, MD-RED v3.7.31. Follow the below article and find out major features and how MD-RED displays the analysis results. 


1. MeWe 


  • What’s MeWe?

MeWe is the uplifting social network service app with awesome social features people love along with no ads, no targeting, and no newsfeed manipulation.  It has a timeline, groups, pages you can join, friends can make, a built-in messaging tool, and a profile page for users to customize.


  • Major features of MeWe and Analysis results of MD-RED



2. Threema


  • What’s Threema?


Threema is a paid open-source end-to-end encrypted instant messaging application for iOS and Android. The software is based on privacy by design principles as it does not require a phone number or any other personally identifiable information. Data is stored in an encrypted DB, and more security settings can be added to the settings. Users can do text messaging, make voice, and video calls, send multimedia, locations, voice messages, and files.


  • Major features of Threema and Analysis results of MD-RED


If you want to read the full article, please download the PDF file.

Analyze and Review the Data of ‘Zepeto’ and ‘Clubhouse’ using MD-RED

Today, Zepeto and Clubhouse are the rising apps, the app user is growing fast, and it’s recognized as a new generation of social media. MD-RED is supporting the data analysis of Zepeto (Android) from v3.7.26, Zepeto (iOS) from v3.7.31, and Clubhouse (iOS) from v3.7.20.  Through this article, you may learn the basic features of Zepeto, Clubhouse, and how MD-RED can analyze and display the data.


  • What’s Zepeto

The Zepeto app is a metaverse (virtual platform) of a creative studio developed by Naver Z Corporation. The friends in Zepeto can share a common room and have fun activities by creating 3D avatars with displayed items available in this environment. The pictures and videos taken in the various maps in Zepeto world can be shared through the feed.

– Account information

Account information is displayed in ‘Account’ and you can find out the user’s name, Inner ID, and creation date and time.

– Chat data: Message

Click the speech bubble on the screen to display the chat list. Conversation supports 1:1, group chat and is analyzed as follows. Chat data such as chat room name, chat room ID, group chat status, chat room creation date, participant, chat room creator are analyzed.

In chat rooms, users can send text, images, and video files. MD-RED analyzes and displays those contents as message type, creation date, content, attachment, sender, message ID, chat room.


  • What’s Clubhouse

Clubhouse is social audio app which is a voice networking app developed by Alpha Exploration. It’s designed to have audio/voice communication in real-time in the chat room. MD-RED supports Clubhouse (iOS) analysis from v3.7.20, supported targets are the account, contact, and notification message. And a text-based chat room ‘Backchannel’ feature will be supported by MD-RED soon.

 – Account Information

Supports to analyze the Account name, ID, Inner ID, and Profile image.

– Contacts

The information of the chat room participants in the list is displayed in the contact analysis result.

– Alarm message

An alarm message is analyzed and displayed in the message analysis result. This allows us to infer the user’s activity.


If you want to read the whole article, download the PDF.

Recognize and Capture the Character using Timestamp/Channel OCR feature in MD-VIDEO

How can Timestamp/Channel OCR feature support video forensic investigators? In the situation of the time information of a file in the filesystem is damaged or there is no time/channel information in the recovered frame, OCR can be very useful. Follow the below article and find out how MD-VIDEO recognizes and captures the time and channel information displayed on the frame using the OCR feature.


How to operate Timestamp/Channel OCR feature?
Check the target to be analyzed and click Time/Channel OCR from the menu. Select the Range of the target and drag to include the Time or Channel information on the frame.
After selecting the range, set the timestamp format accordingly, if you don’t see the matching timestamp format, select ‘Custom template’ and make a new one.


Review the Timestamp/Channel OCR analysis results
The OCR analysis results are displayed in OCR Timestamp and OCR Channel. If the OCR result is not correct, it can be modified by entering a value in the Attribute tab.


Download PDF – Timestamp,Channel OCR feature in MD-VIDEO

2Q 2021 MD-Series Release Note Highlights

MD-NEXT v1.89.19~v1.90.02 

Samsung Full Filesystem Extraction for Android 11 – Supports 20 models of Galaxy S10, Galaxy Note10 Series with Exynos Chipset.
Huawei Kirin 970/980/990/9905G Chipset Full Filesystem extraction – Supports 32 models including Honor Note 10, P20, P20 Pro, Mate 10, Mate 10 Pro, Mate 20, Mate 30 Series.
Physical Extraction for Windows mobile – Supports 63 models including Lumia 540, Lumia 1520.
Android Live enhancement – Scan for apps in Secure folder, improved App Downgrade, enhanced notification, and restoration.
Image Filesystem Verification


MD-RED v3.7.23~v3.7.36

Extraction images acquired by Cellebrite UFED – Improvements of iOS analysis script set up when adding .dar image(iOS Full Filesystem image file acquired with Cellebrite tool) to case. Improved analysis of extracted image information stored in UFED PA data file (*.ufd).


MD-LIVE v3.4.1∼v3.4.3

Watch List – New feature for users to manage the Watch List of major apps to investigate.
Keyword management – Various keywords can be imported and exported.


MD-VIDEO v3.6.0v3.6.2

Car plate number recognition – Recognizes the car plate numbers in the low-resolution video stream can be guessed by the accuracy percentage.
MD-VIDEO AI analysis performance – Improved by over 45%.
New model support – DVR(3 Models), Dashcam(7 Models).


MD-CLOUD v1.6.0

Location Information & Timeline – Improved analysis performance of Location Information and Timeline display.


Download the document and find out more about released features!

Improve video with advanced enhancement feature in MD-VIDEO

In this article, you can learn how to enhance video and image using advanced enhancement features in MD-VIDEO. Even if the video you are investigating is blurry, shaky, dark, small, MD-VIDEO can improve and secure better visibility with various enhancement features. It’s a powerful feature to find the key frame from multi aspects including basic adjustment features, deblurring, super-resolution, and perspective transformation. You don’t need to find other video or image editors. Follow the below how-to tips, MD-VIDEO can help you to increase your video investigation efficiency and let you get close to the key evidence! If you want to learn more about enhancement features, go find our Youtube channel. 


Basic Enhancement

Basic enhancement feature includes Brightness/Contrast/Gamma/Color/Edge Sharpening/Noise Reduction. You can apply these filters to the dark videos like this sample video as below. We hardly see the people beside the highway, but after the brightness adjustment, we can clearly find people on the bridge and even the text on the vehicles.


Advanced Enhancement – a. Super Resolution

Super-resolution can magnify the analysis results with high quality compared to the common magnification. With this sample video, we’ll try a super-resolution feature to the car plate on the taxi. MD-VIDEO supports 3 types of super-resolution, EDSR/ESPCN/FSRCNN. EDSR has the best quality of performance, but it may take a lot of time, so we recommend using a GPU. Apply crop and rotate feature in advanced, and select super-resolution then set the scale level. You can check the adjustment result from the canvas and try additional enhancements to have better visibility.


Advanced Enhancement – b. Motion Deblur

Shaky images can be improved with the Motion Deblurring feature. If you want to have the clear text from the moving object, the following enhancement tips can help you. Capture the frame and crop the only necessary part then select the Motion Deblur menu. Make an adjustment of Length, Angle, SNR(Signal to Noise) until you get the clearest result.


Advanced Enhancement – c. Perspective Transformation

The tilted objects can be flattened with the Perspective Transformation feature. We’ll apply on this sample video, you may need this feature frequently on the car plate. After cropping the image, go click the Perspective Transformation menu. Select the four coordinates of the area where perspective transformation is performed and click the apply button.

Download PDF – Improve video with Advanced Enhancement feature in MD-VIDEO

Detect, Classify, Summarize and Review with Intelligence features in MD-VIDEO AI

Today, one of the most compelling types of evidence is video. As video evidence becomes more and more common, MD-VIDEO AI is an essential tool for organizations that handle huge volumes of video footage but have limited resources to accurately review the massive amount of data buried in it.

Here we introduce MD-VIDEO AI features that can perform many tasks for you, more accurately and efficiently. The current version of MD-VIDEO AI is highly focused on the detection of various types of objects and colors that are related to the crime scene, this object detection feature is accelerated with a multi-core GPU. And with those labels classified scenes, users can review the summarized results. Also, check out our How-to video on the MD-VIDEO AI and find out how you can be benefited!


How to Run AI Analysis

Check the video to be analyzed and click AI Analysis in the menu.


AI Analysis Settings

Before starting AI analysis, the user can set the options. Select file to be analyzed, preview the selected file and set the object detection type confidence threshold and the frame differential percentage. Also, the date range of each file can be selected by dragging or typing directly.


Display of AI Detected Object

Analysis result consists of File List, Gallery Filter, Event Gallery, and Frame View. Users can directly select the same object and group them and the label can be changed when the label is different from the user’s intention. And if the user is already aware of the color looking for, can set filter only frames that contain that specific color. Filter by selecting objects can be done directly in the Frame View by mouse drawing on the object.


Review on AI Analysis Results

Analysis results are organized into Scene List, Scene Gallery, and Detailed view. Users can remove unnecessary frames from the scene. And the image enhancement feature is supported for the image of frames included in the scene.

Scenes can be merged to create a new scene and unneeded scenes can be removed by pressing Remove. Users can create a movie that contains only scenes. Especially when the video to be analyzed has a long playback time, this function can generate a shortened video containing only meaningful objects.

To learn more about MD-VIDEO AI features, go check our Youtube channel!


The Smart feature to find Numbers from Car Plate using MD-VIDEO AI

Numberplate Enhancement Forensics

The Number Plate Analysis is a feature that is machine-learned from low-quality of number (0 to 9) images and predicts the number when a low-quality image is added. An existing enhancement feature in MD-VIDEO also can help you to identify numbers from the low-quality images by applying various enhancement options such as Super Resolution and Motion Deblurring feature.

However, this smart feature can support you to get the data without any complicated steps, it’s much easier, time-saving and you’ll get the most reliable results!



How to Analyze Blurred License Plates                                                            


On the frame, drag the area you want to crop on the canvas then right-click in the [Number Plate] area. Click [Add new bounding box] to specify the area for each number then click Analyze.

You can also check why MD-VIDEO got the result via [Show Detail], it shows you the probabilities of each number analyzed by the number plate analysis model.


Review the Image Enhancement results


You can check the analyzed result from ‘Image Enhancement Results’, it shows Image, Probability, and Attribute.

  1. Image is the number plate file you select to analyze.
  2. Probability shows each number’s numerical probability determined by the number plate analysis model.
  3. Attribute shows the name, source file path, location, resolution of the improved image, history and user can add comment.


To read the full article, please download the PDF.